Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Elephant Background

For this project, I had already painted two elephants with touching noses. So for my project, I decided to finish it and paint the background! I did the background in multiple shades of teal and blue, with small hints of gold throughout.  This was a pretty easy project for me because it was just the background but I really did like getting to blend the colors with the oil paints that I used. I thought that was really cool and I would love to do another project with oil paints!

Black and White Camera

I did this project because it was more of a still life project and I haven't really painted anything like that before. For the background I did the edges like an old film reel so that the camera looked like it was on a undeveloped piece of film. I was originally going to do all the colors inverted so that it totally would have the appearance of being on a undeveloped piece of film, however I didn't think I would have time to finish the project if I were to figure all that out. I wish I had though because that was my original idea and I really liked the thought of how that look in the end and I regret not doing that. that highlighting of the white light on the camera was difficult for me to paint to capture what it really looked liked and that was definitely the hardest part for me but I really did like the project!

Purple Fish

I really like painting animals so I thought this would be a good project for me. My favorite color is also purple so that's why I decided to do purple for the color of the fish. I thought black would be a good background color because it really made the fish stand out and it almost seemed to glow. I loved painting the fish's tail because it was so flowy and large. I think I have found that my favorite thing to paint is definitely animals!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Clay Projects

This was one of my favorite things to do because I got a chance to use the clay wheel. I had never done this before and it was totally new. I enjoyed learning how to do it and it was a lot of fun. Although not all of my clay projects turned out, as many of them collasped or broke while on the wheel, I still ended up with two pot/vases that could be fired. I am excited to finish glazing them and see what they are like when they are completley done! I hope in the future I get more chances to work on a clay wheel again. It was somehing that I would enjoy doing again!

Magazine Cut Out

I wanted to do this project because I thought that it would look really cool at the end. It ended up taking a lot longer than I anticipated. This was partially because I chose to do a background of magazine cut outs as well as the projector. I decided to do the projector because I thought it would be challenging to make the circular reels that were on top of the projector. It wasn't as hard as I thought but it was still difficult to make sure it all lined up in a circle.