Monday, January 13, 2014

Clay Projects

This was one of my favorite things to do because I got a chance to use the clay wheel. I had never done this before and it was totally new. I enjoyed learning how to do it and it was a lot of fun. Although not all of my clay projects turned out, as many of them collasped or broke while on the wheel, I still ended up with two pot/vases that could be fired. I am excited to finish glazing them and see what they are like when they are completley done! I hope in the future I get more chances to work on a clay wheel again. It was somehing that I would enjoy doing again!

Magazine Cut Out

I wanted to do this project because I thought that it would look really cool at the end. It ended up taking a lot longer than I anticipated. This was partially because I chose to do a background of magazine cut outs as well as the projector. I decided to do the projector because I thought it would be challenging to make the circular reels that were on top of the projector. It wasn't as hard as I thought but it was still difficult to make sure it all lined up in a circle.