Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Melted Crayon - Flower

I really liked doing this. It was somthing I never tried before and thought it was cool learning how todo something new! I thought the project went pretty well, except I didn't get the flowers as melted as I had wanted to. Nothing really went wrong with this project, the melting was pretty easy. If i did the project over again, then I would have melted the flowers right on the board rather than metling them and then trying to move them. The hardest part about this project was getting the crayons to melt where I wanted them to. I had to tilt the board a lot and it was hard to get one area to melt at a time so it wouldn't ruin another area. By the end, I learned that this is a fun project to do and that you could do so many different things with it!


At first this project was fun, however towards the end i was running out of colors so it got kind of hard to mix and use colors that i had not used. Altough i had problems with this, I really liked the way it turned out and think i did a pretty good job! Besides the colors everything went pretty much as planed. I probably wouldn't ever do this again because there were so many colors or else if I did do it again, I would make the areas where one color would go bigger, so not as many colors would be needed. Overall, i learned that if you really try there are a lot of different colors that can be made!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stop-Motion Animation!

I was really excited for this project at first, but as it went on it just got very frusterating because it took a very long time and we kept running into problems! We had to upload our pictures over 3 times and it still barley worked! Although, we had so many issues, it would have been a really cool project if we hadn't and i think i would have really enjoyed working on and completing a project like this! (NO VIDEO)


This project was fun! I liked that we got to carve out the linolium tiles. I have never done that before and probably won't ever again, So that was really cool! I also think it's cool that even though our school budget is low, we still get a taste of what real printing is like!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ceiling Tile

For our ceiling tile jessica and I decided to do it in the style of Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky uses lots of shapes and colors that all blend together to create something that is abtract.  This is something that we were both interested in becasue his paintings are all very interesting to look at. We both like that you have to look at the painting for a minute to relize what it really is. This is why we chose to do Wassily Kandinsky. (NO PICTURE)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Candy Project

This project was alright, but it just wasn't very exciting. There was nothing that i really didn't like, it just wasn't anything cool that i would like to show everyone or that i would like to do again. But i thought it was a good small way to practice shadding. (NO PICTURE)

Water Color Painting

This wasn't one of my favorite projects, but that was just becasue I don't really like water colors. I think they are difficult to make the right color without gettting the paper too watery or without mixing the colors together. However I think I am getting better with using water colors, which is a good thing. I did the flamingos becasue they are a bright color and i thought they would look good in water colors.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This project was kind of hard because we had to completely make the book. we had to bind it and glue it and do everything ourselves! I do like the book now that it's done because it's cool that we can put all our drawings in one place. And so even though it was hard at the beggining the outcome was cool!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Art Careers

  Bchelor's degree in fine arts or graphic design is required for most graphic design positions.beinning graphic designers usually need 1 to 3 years of working experience before they can advance to higher positions. Most graphic designers work in specialized design services, advertising and related services, printing and related support activities, or newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers. Wages for graphic designers at the entry-level was $35,000 in 2008, but once you get futher up in the program you can earn up to 60,000.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Line Drawing

This was fun because we got to express how we were with drawing. This is something that I have never done before. I liked how my final project turned out and I learned how to express my feeling through my drawings.

Value Sqaures

I liked this project because we got to find somthing that we like in a magazine and then draw it, but add value and choose different persectives. We were suppose to choose things that all went together, so I choose to do flowers because I like them and I thought that they would look nice all together as a finnished project. Overall, I liked how this project turned out and am happy with my end result!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pumpkin Painting

This was a fun project because we got to paint somthing that isn't really a normal thing to paint. It was hard to do but also fun and different. I also liked that they went up in town so people could see them. If I could haave done this project over, I would have taken more time and added more detail.

Stool Drawing

I liked this project because we got to draw somthing that had a lot of shading, so i was good for practicing shading. I also liked that we didn't have to draw the whole thing, only part of it. The stool was also kind of old looking so It had lots of details that we needed to draw.

4 Steps to Abstraction

This project was the 4 steps to abstaction. I choose to do a squirrle becasue I like them. I am not very good at painting so didn't enjoy that part of this project. But, I was fun to look at things inna different perspective.

Gesture Drawing

This was a fun project to do because we got to use somthing different than just pencil to draw it. We also didnt have to draw faces, which are hard, so you could focus more on details of other parts of the picture. Overall, i thought this drawing was fun!

Dot Painting

I liked this project because i have never done anything like this before, but on the other hand, making dots got a little boring! I did a catus because a cactus is in the dessert and i wanted to those kinds of colors, so I thought it went good together.